First of all what is STAMINA? Stamina is defined as the strength and energy needed to sustain prolonged physical activity. “Stamina” can also refer to mental exertion needed to perform a task.

Building your Stamina is very important for a healthy lifestyle. Having a good Stamina can help lower your blood pressure, heart rate and it can also help in burning fat. If one having a great stamina he/she will never get tired of his/her everyday life activities (ADL).

Perform Strength and Cardio Sessions Together

What most of the fitness enthusiast who wants to build their STAMINA generally do?

They think doing cardio only workout will increase or build their Stamina. No, that’s where they make mistakes.

Always remember cardio only sessions will never going to build your stamina. But combining strength training with cardio surely going to do.
We all know that strength training increase our muscle mass. It also will increase your metabolism and therefore Stamina too. Strength training will also improves our ability to use energy and oxygen effectively and efficiently.

Stretching is Must

Why STREATCHING is important?

Regular Stretching helps keep the muscle fibre strong, healthy and flexible. It also helps maintaining the range of motion of our joints thus it prevents injuries also.

It is obvious that many of us never stretch. Yes, that’s true. Some people never stretch before or even after their workout sessions. WE MUST STRETCH.
Stretching helps in the recovery of our muscle fibre and therefore it helps in maximising muscle strength and muscle growth which contributes in increasing our metabolism and stamina.

Nutrition and Hydration

We should always fuel ourselves with all the good and right food. Healthy eating habits and eating a balanced diet is very important not only for players but for everyone.

If your goal is to build or increase your stamina or if you’re a sports person then you should mainly focus on complex carbohydrates such as: brown rice, oat meal, whole grains etc. Adding complex carbs in your pre-workout meal will help you provide enough energy and stamina to complete your workout such as running, sprinting etc. You should always act smart while choosing the portion size of complex carbs in your meal.

When you exercise, you lose a lot of fluid which can affect our performance and stamina. Therefore you should always stay hydrated during and at the end of your workout sessions.


  • Before workout: 500-600 ml 2 hours prior to workout.
  • During workout: 200-300 ml every 10-20 minutes during workout.
  • Following workout: 450-675 ml for every 0.5 kg of bodyweight lost.

So there you go, a few simple steps to follow and you can build or improve your “Stamina” very effectively. For better understanding and results you can hire a Fitness Training Professional who will help you out in your fitness goals.

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