Prepare Yourself Before Enrolling on a Yoga Teacher Training Course

As yoga’s popularity grows worldwide, so does the number of yoga teachers and yoga certification programs. There are a few things to consider before enrolling in your first yoga teacher training course if you want to turn your passion for yoga into a vocation.

These suggestions are based on my own experience and those of some of the teacher-training students with whom I’ve worked over the years.

Let go of expectations

Letting go of expectation is the first thing in Yoga. During this journey, no one can predict what will happen or how you will feel. Remember that all you can do is your best when you decide to go on this trip.

Set a goal for yourself

Set an intention, just like you did at the start of yoga teacher training. Keep in mind why you do yoga and why you might want to teach it. When things become complicated or overwhelming, this intention might be good to return to when items become complex overwhelming.

You might start your Yoga Certificate Course intending to teach later, but halfway through, you realize that the concept of teaching isn’t as intriguing as it first appeared. Besides, you may believe you’ll never have the guts to step up in front of a class and teach – but this, too, may change!

Do it for your benefit

The most important thing to remember is to research and learn for yourself. Whether or not you want to teach afterward, digesting and consuming the lessons will help you get the most out of your yoga teacher training course. We can only communicate something from an authentic and pure place after fully living it.

Accept that you don’t know everything

You may not understand specific phrases, postures, themes, or entire days. What’s more, guess what? It’s all right! Consider this an adventure; be curious, make mistakes, become perplexed, and seek assistance. Knowing that you don’t know is ideal, and it helps your ego tremendously! If you’re confused, seek guidance from your professors, mentors, or peers; you’ll learn a lot more than if you pretend to know everything right away.

Accept this journey of emotions

When you choose to study something in-depth, you might expect to feel tired, experience unexpected emotions, and perhaps feel overwhelmed. A journey of self-discovery and growth is rarely achievable without some discomfort.

It’s going to be a rocky voyage

You’ll be on top of the world one moment, loving yoga and eager to learn more, and the next, you won’t be able to look at another yoga mat. Allow this to take place and take regular pauses.

There will undoubtedly be occasions when you feel as if you can’t possibly take in any more knowledge. It’s a good idea to take a break from your yoga practice and do something completely unrelated to it during times like this.

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