The pectoralis major is the muscle in the pectoral region located on the chest. It is one of the strongest and largest muscles which acts at the shoulder joint. The pectoralis major is commonly referred to as pecs.
Because of two different origins, pectoralis major is divided into two heads – clavicular head and sternocostal head. The primary function of the clavicular head is to flex the humerus (upper arm bone) as in dumbbell front raise, reverse grip incline pushups, throwing a ball underhand, etc. The primary function of sternocostal head is horizontal and vertical adduction (towards midline of the body), internal rotation, and extension of humerus. Horizontal adduction occurs when you do chest throw in basketball, or do exercises like pushups, bench press, dumbbell fly, etc. Secondly, sternal head medially rotates the humerus as in arm wrestling. It also is responsible for keeping the arm attached to the trunk of the body or bringing the arms closer as in cable cross exercise. These fibers also contribute to extension but not beyond the anatomical position.
Here are some exercises for chest/ pectoralis major you can do even at your home
1. Push ups
- Lie down of floor in a prone position.
- Keep your palms at the chest level and push the ground such that your elbows are extended and your torso, chest and thighs are off the ground.
- Keeping your core engaged, pause for a second in this high plank position.
- Slowly lower your body to the starting position, till you chest almost touches the ground.
- Repeat the exercise for a certain number of reps and sets.

2. Incline reverse grip pushups
- Select a table/chair and properly stabilize it with wall.
- Place your palm at the edge of the table/chair in a prone position and stretch out your torso and legs.
- Keeping your elbows tugged in, push the table or chair such that your chest gets lifted and your elbows are extended.
- Return to the starting position slowly, till your chest almost touches the table/chair.
- Do this exercise for a certain number of reps and sets.

3. Chair dips
- Place two chairs such that they face each other from back and have enough space in between to perform dips.
- Make sure the chairs are stable so to avoid injuries.
- Grab the chairs from centre and lift off your body such that all your weight is now on your hands.
- Bend your elbows and let your body go down slowly.
- From here, extend your elbows, lift your body up and squeeze your chest.
- Here you got 1 rep. Do for a certain number of reps and sets.

Having the correct knowledge about muscles, their structure and function can help you design an effective workout plan for yourself, even if you are stuck in this lockdown without proper equipment and workout accessories. So, don’t let this lockdown stop you from achieving your fitness goals. Stay home, stay safe and develop some healthy habits.