It doesn’t matter if you love to exercise or you were born to work out. But doing the same old routine day in day out is plain boring and can drive you crazy, literally. So before you call it quits and start pondering how much time, energy (and even money) you’ve wasted, try boot camp workouts. Yes, it’s intense and unforgiving, but it gives you results… and fast! Since there are countless innovative boot camp workouts, you can say goodbye to the boring and mundane exercise routines.

Bet you didn’t know, boot camp workout is the quickest way to bump up your caloric burn, improve your physical strength and endurance. Here are not-so-simple and effective circuit workouts to try out without spending a dime!

Total time required: 28 minutes

Equipments needed: mat, stopwatch, resistance band, medicine ball and jump rope.

Workout intensity: Vigorous

How it works: perform the exercises thrice a week. Do each of the following exercises for 30 seconds with a 30 second or less recovery between each circuit. Do the whole cycle four times.

Jump Rope

It’s actually self explanatory; jump rope as fast as you can.


Jump Squats

Squat down, engage your core and jump as high as you can. Land in the same squat position you started in.

Jump Squats


With your hands on your hips, take a step forward with one leg. Lower your hips until both knees are at 90 degrees angle. Pause at the bottom for 15 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat the routine with the opposite leg and pause for another 15 seconds.



Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight down at your sides. Lower your body in a squatting position with your hands on the floor directly in front of you.  Kick both of your legs backwards so that you are in a press-up position. Lower your chest back up to the push-up position. Bring your feet back to the original squat position, jump explosively with both hands over your head. Do as many burpees as possible.


Push Ups

Drop and give me 20! Yes, we are talking about push-ups! Lower your body until your elbows are at 90 degrees angle, drop your body down until your hits the floor or arms are at 90 degrees. Pause slightly, and then return to  the original starting point. Repeat as many times as you can.


Medicine Ball: toe touch

Lie on your back, your arms straight overhead with the medicine ball. Raise your legs at 90 degrees position. Lift your arms and torso simultaneously until the ball touches your toe WITHOUT moving your legs or bending your elbows.

Medicine Ball toe touch

Hammer Curl

Stand at the center of the resistance band with your feet hips-width apart. Hold the band end in each hand, palms facing forward. Slowly pull the band up towards your shoulders without moving your body. Pause slightly and return to starting position.

hammer curl

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