How ACE Certified Personal Trainers Help Their Clients Achieve Their Fitness Goals?


We are living in the times where we are living longer than ever, average life expectancy is higher than it ever was. With a long-life expectancy, we are also facing a lot of health problems more than we did 100 years back.This includes more people suffering from heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, etc. and there are multiple factors that have contributed to this but lifestyle seems to be a major factor.

Lifestyle including our job, physical activity, mental stress, nutritional habits everything seems to be an important factor here and bad lifestyle has significantly contributed to this and as a result more and more people are becoming aware about the importance of improving their lifestyle.

An ACE certified personal trainer can help their clients in a wide range of aspects which can help them improve their health and fitness.

ACE certification teaches you about client psychology and health behavior change which help the coaches improve their client’s mindset and behavior and helps them build better habits to improve their health and performance. This is extremely important as every client has a different lifestyle, different goals, different stressors, different stress handling capacity, different mindset, hence every client needs a different approach even if they have the same goal.

An ACE certified personal trainer has a deep understanding of human anatomy and physiology in relation with exercise science. This helps them choose better exercises for their clients, they know how to individualize exercise selection and exercise technique for clients with different limb lengths and joint structures. Having a detailed understanding of anatomy and physiology also helps an ACE certified personal trainer to coach people with various health conditions.

An ACE certified fitness trainer is also well educated about client interviewing and assessments which helps them know their clients. Being well educated about the assessments helps the coach know about their client’s health and fitness markers, including the cardiorespiratory fitness markers (VO2max, VT1, VT2, etc.), muscular fitness markers (muscular strength, endurance, power, etc.), health markers like blood pressure, heart rate, blood work, etc. This helps the personal trainer decide what kind of training does the client needs.

An ACE certified personal trainer also learns about periodization which helps them build better programs to help their client choose appropriate rep ranges, exercises, rest periods, volume, and intensity targets for every workout. An ACE certified personal trainer can use various progression protocols for different clients based upon their needs and goals. Having a good understanding of program design is especially more important when we have clients who are suffering from a disease or an injury.

An ACE certified personal traineris also well versed about diseases and disorders like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, etc. and thus provides their client with good training plans individualized as per their client’s needs.

An ACE certified personal trainer is well trained and equipped to help their clients achieve their health and fitness goals, achieve their desired physique, performance, improve their health markers.They know about healthy nutrition guidelines which as a bonus as this helps the clients support their training with proper nutrition protocols before, during, after their workout. Clients often question about healthy nutritional guidelines and an ACE certified personal trainer is well equipped in helping their clients by staying in their scope of practice

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